employee profile

Thomas Malavieille,
PHP analyst developer

After a Bac S and a BTS in computer science, Thomas did his end-of-BTS internship at Notos. For the record, it was after reading an article about Notos in Midi Libre, mentioning the strong development of Notos, that he sent in his CV! Although he had planned to stop his studies after the BTS, several Amonie colleagues suggested that he go on to the bachelor’s degree with a work-study program at Notos Armonie in 2020-2021.

Naturally, Thomas got his license and was subsequently hired by Notos.

The IBM i cauldron: you can fall into it at an early age

Thomas discovered the AS/400 during his BTS internship: for a month, he took part in a project to create a web interface for an existing 5250 application. Then, as part of a work-study program, he discovered the PHL Spool solution (automated spool management) and developed functionalities in line with specifications, under the responsibility of his tutor.


Today: PHP analyst-developer

Thomas was lucky enough to avoid the Pôle Emploi system by going straight to Armonie. Today, it responds to customer requests, maintains existing software and can also intervene on specific developments.

He has been with Armonie for two years.

“I’ve always loved development. In high school, I took the computer science option in Terminale S for the Bac, and I wanted to continue in this branch afterwards,” explains Thomas.

Although he has no direct interaction with customers, Thomas can take part in several projects, often in parallel, unless a specific development requires some to be put on hold.

I’ve seen Armonie evolve from the inside. We may have changed premises, but our way of working is still the same. It is, however, becoming more structured as the size of the company increases.”

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